08 July 2022


Every time you type something wrong on a server, a code appears saying bad request/ page not found. Have you ever wondered why this happens? Or what that code means? Well, it is an HTTP STATUS CODES that is generated in response to your search request. Or in other words, it is the server trying to communicate with you.


HTTP status codes stand for hypertext transfer protocol response status codes. Every request you make on the server generates a three-digit code. These HTTP STATUS CODES are a means of communication between the user and the server. These HTTP STATUS CODES are further divided into five main subcategories which are explained thoroughly in this article.


These (HTTP STATUS CODES) hypertext transfer protocol response status codes are divided into five main categories. The difference in these categories is identified through the 1st digit of the code. The first digit of these HTTP STATUS CODES may not explain the complete meaning of the message but it can very well represent each category, like:

(100-199)- So 1 here means that this series of codes belong to the “Informational Response”. This means that the request you made was received and is in process.

(200-299)- 2 series code will represent the “Success” response of the request. This explains that the request was received and accepted.

(300-399)- Number 3 represents the “Redirection” response of a request. Redirection explains that the request made was not completed there are more steps that need to be followed to make the request.

(400-499)- Series starting with number 4 is known as the “Client Error” response to the requests. Client error suggests that the request made, had some error from the client’s side and it cannot be fulfilled.

(500-599)- Digit 5 always represents the “Server Error” which may have stopped the action from happening. Server errors mean that the request was made accurately but due to the server’s issue it was unable to be fulfilled.

Now let’s get into the details of these sub-categories and see what each responsive code means.

1xx Informational

Informational responses are the responses that are generated when your request is accepted but still in process. These are usually temporary responses because as soon as the action is completed it will generate a success code.

100 Continue

Code 100 means that the initial request made on the server is received and the action is supposed to carry on. And if the action is already completed then the user should ignore any responses generated by the server.

101 Switching Protocols

Code 101 is generated to explain that the Transmission Control Protocol connection is switching to another protocol. And it also tells which protocol it is switching to.

102 Processing

Code 102 means that the request is accepted but is not completed yet. And it does not even provide any response about the completion of the request.

103 Early Hints

This status code is meant to be used in conjunction with the Link header to allow the user agent to begin preloading resources while the server prepares a response.

2×× Success

2xx response status codes simply mean that the request was successful and accepted. A website owner should normally look for this response because this means that the request was received, understood, and accepted. This proves that your website is accessible and easy to use.

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200 OK

200 OK response means that the request is successful and all the linked pages are working accurately. This will allow your client to successfully surf your website.

201 Created

201 response is generated to tell that the request is accepted. And along with that, a new resource is created. These newly created resources can be either single or multiple.

202 Accepted

202 response code means that the request is accepted but is not complete yet. It is in the processing phase and this processing can be completed or it can be refused afterwards.

203 Non-authoritative Information

203 response code is generated when the request is successful. But the Meta-Information is different from the original site. This Meta might be copied from another source.

204 No Content

204 no content response suggests that the request sent was successful. But there is no content on the server side to send a response to the request.

205 Reset Content

This response code tells the user that the document he is using is not appropriate and should change the document view or format.

206 Partial Content

206 response status code is generated when the user sends a range header to request a specific part of the source. A range header indicates a part of a document that the server should return. This range header can send multiple ranges at once and these ranges are sent in a multipart document.

207 Multi-Status

In certain situations when multiple HTTP STATUS CODES are acceptable, the server generates a response status code 207 which contains information from multiple sources.

208 Already Reported

208 response code is generated because the members of a DAV binding have already been listed in a previous phase of the multi-status response, thus they are not included again.

226 IM Used

226 status code denotes that the server has successfully handled a GET request for the source, and the response is a depiction of the outcome of one or more instance manipulations performed on the current instance.

3×× Redirection

3xx HTTP STATUS CODES are generated to redirect the user to another site. This means that the request needs more actions to be performed to complete the request.

300 Multiple Choices

As the name suggests 300 multiple-choice response offers multiple choices to the user. And the user can choose from the given options.

301 Moved Permanently

301 response code suggests that the requested source is been moved permanently to another URI. This will move from your current link equity to a new permanent URI.

302 Found

The 302 found code which was previously named “Moved temporarily”, means that the URI of the request has been changed temporarily, and since changes can be made to the URI in the future, the effective request URI should be used for future requests.

303 See Other

303 response redirects the client to another URI to get the requested resource. This source is found through the GET request. GET request is a method to collect data from the data sources available on the internet.

304 Not Modified

304 status code tells the user that the request he made is not modified. This means that the user can continue his request with the previously cached response.

305 Use Proxy

3305 status code suggests the client connect to a proxy and then reattempt the same request. This response code is generated due to security concerns.


307 Temporary Redirect

307 status code signifies that the requested source has been temporarily transferred to the URL specified in the Location headers.

308 Permanent Redirect

This means that the requested resources have been permanently transferred to a new URI. An enclosed URI must be used for future requests.

4×× Client Error

4xx client error range usually suggests that the website or page could not be accessed. Either the page is unavailable or the request has a typographical error.

400 Bad Request

400 response code means that the server is unable to understand the request due to invalid computer language.

401 Unauthorised

401 response status code means that the request is denied due to invalid identification or the client is not authorised to visit that certain page.

402 Payment Required

402 status code is a response to tell you that the requested source will not be available until the payment is done. This is designed to promote a digital payment system.

403 Forbidden

As the word suggests forbidden code means that the client is not authorised to visit a certain site. It is not about the identity like in the 401 status code. The identity is known to the server but the site has some confidential data that cannot be accessed by the user.

404 Not Found

404 status code responds that the requested source is trying to hide because the current request is not according to the server.

405 Method Not Allowed

405 method not allowed response status code means that the method requested is correct but it is restricted or cannot be used.

406 Not Acceptable

406 not acceptable response is sent due to the request that has been sent by the user is not accurate to the criteria.

407 Proxy Authentication Required

407 response status code means that the client needs to be authenticated by a proxy before accepting the request.

408 Request Timeout

408 means that the request was declined because the request was not made within the time limit which was set for the server to wait.

409 Conflict

409 conflict response is sent when the request which is been sent by the user, conflicts with the server.

410 Gone

410 response status code is usually generated when the requested sources are permanently deleted and cannot come back again.

411 Length Required

Response code 411 is generated because the Content-Length header field is not as per the requirement and the server is unable to accept it.

412 Precondition Failed

Response status code 412 means that the user has described some preconditions which are not supported by the server.

413 Payload Too Large

Payload is the information that is sent to the server by the user. When this payload is too large, it gets difficult for the server to proceed. Hence, a 413 response status code is generated.

414 Request-URI Too Long

414 response status code means that the request-target is too long for the server to interpret. And the server is not willing to proceed with that long URI.

415 Unsupported Media Type

Status code 415 means that the file format which is being used by the user is not supported by the server and it requests you to change the file format.

416 Requested Range Not Satisfied

Code 416 range not satisfied means that the range which was set by the user cannot be fulfilled by the server. This happens because the range was beyond the data available on the requested source.

417 Expectation Failed

Expect HTTP STATUS CODES request header defines the expectation which is supposed to be fulfilled by the server. But when the server is unable to fulfil the request according to the expected request header, it generates a 417 status code.

418 I’m a teapot

418 response status code usually generates the phrase “I’m a Teapot and I refuse to brew coffee”. This phrase is sent when the user requests something which is beyond the server’s capacity, so it generates this response saying that I’m a teapot and my job is to make tea not coffee.

421 Misdirected Request

421 is a response status code that is generated when the request is directed to a server which is not prepared to respond to the user.

422 Unprocessable Entity

Response status code 422 is generated when the request made by the user is correct but still the server cannot process it. This can happen due to an issue with the language.

423 Locked

423 locked response status code means that the request from the user’s side is correct and it is also understandable to the server but that particular source is being locked from that user.

424 Failed Dependency

424 status code means that the request sent by the user is dependent on another action and that another action is failed due to any issue. Thus, that failure of this action will cause the initial request action to fail too.

426 Upgrade Required

426 status code is usually generated when the server refuses to perform a request because the user needs to update to another protocol. The server will accept it later when the user will update.

428 Precondition Required

428 precondition required response status code is generated when the origin server requires conditional requests.

429 Too Many Requests

429 status code usually appears when the user sends too many requests and the server is unable to perform so many requests together.

431 Request Header Fields Too Large

431 response status code is generated when the user sends a request with a very large header field which makes it difficult for the server to perform the action. In this case, the user needs to reduce the size of his header field and then send the request again.

451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons

451 response HTTP STATUS CODES are generated when the user requests a source which is illegal or banned by the government.

5×× Server Error

5xx series is known as the server error. When the request sent from the user’s side is accurate but it is still not working, that means that the server is not working properly or it may contain some bugs which are stopping the action from completing.

500 Internal Server Error

500 status code means that the request sent by the user is perfectly fine but the server has encountered an issue which is not resolvable by the server itself.

501 Not Implemented

501 status code is generated to explain that the request sent by the user cannot be performed because the server does not support that action.

502 Bad Gateway

While the server is acting as a gateway to manage the response, it can get an invalid response. Which will result in the generation of a 502 response status code.

503 Service Unavailable

This is the most common server error which usually appears when the server is under maintenance or overloaded. This is where the request is rejected because the server cannot handle the request at the moment.

504 Gateway Timeout

Sometimes the server acts as a gateway. And when this gateway cannot get the response within the time frame then a 504 gateway timeout response code is generated.

505 HTTP Version Not Supported

505 response status code is generated when the server does not support the version of HTTP STATUS CODES that is being used by the user.

506 Variant Also Negotiates

505 response status code generates in the context of Transparent Content Negotiation. When the server supports different versions, this protocol allows a user to obtain the best variant of a particular source.

507 Insufficient Storage

507 response status code is generated when the server is unable to store the data that is needed to perform the requested action.

508 Loop Detected

508 loop detected response code means that the server has detected a loop in the processing, which is infinite and it will destroy the processing phase.

510 Not Extended

510 response status code is generated because the server needs some more extensions in order to fulfil the requested action.

511 Network Authentication Required

The 511 Network Authentication Required response code is generated when the server needs the user’s authentication to provide access to the requested network.

599 Network Connect Timeout Error

599 Network Connect Timeout Error means that the server and the device which is used to send the request, are not communicating properly.


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